The British Columbia (B.C.) Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy has published a Recycling Regulation Policy Intentions Paper. B.C. is engaging with key partners and stakeholders on proposed priorities for regulating even more products for recycling and expanding Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

What is this engagement about?

B.C. currently regulates EPR for many products, requiring producers (manufacturers, distributors and retailers) of designated products to take responsibility for the life cycle of their products, including collection and recycling. This shifts the responsibility from local and Indigenous governments and taxpayers to the producers and consumers of products.

By regulating even more products, EPR can further reduce local and Indigenous governments’ waste management costs, make recycling more accessible for consumers with province-wide collection networks, grow B.C. recycling businesses, incent innovation, and create job opportunities.

The purpose of this engagement is to solicit feedback on expanding EPR by including more products under the Recycling Regulation and other waste reduction policy approaches to ensure that these items are managed responsibly, including:

  1. Mattresses
  2. Moderately hazardous products
  3. Electronic and electrical products, including electric vehicle batteries and solar equipment
  4. Packaging and paper products beyond residential sources

Lost or abandoned fishing gear in the marine environment is a significant source of marine pollution in B.C. Given the complex and unique challenges associated with managing lost fishing gear, this Intentions Paper also provides further opportunity for people to provide feedback on approaches to improve fishing gear collection and management.

Feedback will be accepted until November 20, 2020.

How can my contribution make a difference?

The ministry welcomes your input regarding potential products for inclusion in the Recycling Regulation, or other policy initiatives to minimize waste. The ministry will review all consultation comments and feedback to inform the development of a multi-year strategy, including further outreach on proposed priorities.

Details of the Consultation:

To read the Intentions Paper and complete the online feedback form, please see:

  1. Recycling Regulation Policy Intentions Paper (PDF)
  2. Online feedback form
  3. Email feedback to: [email protected]

We will be offering a series of informational webinars on the Intentions Paper. Please note that the same presentation will be offered at all the sessions. If you are interested in participating in a webinar, please register by contacting us at [email protected]. Below are the scheduled dates and times for each session:

  1. Session #1: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 11:00 AM PST
  2. Session #2: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 1:30 PM PST
  3. Session #3: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 1:30 PM PST

All comments received through webinars, mail or email by November 20, 2020 will be reviewed before developing an outreach strategy, amending the regulation, or pursuing other policy approaches.