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Government of B.C. seeks public feedback to reduce plastic waste
On July 25, the provincial government, through CleanBC, launched a public consultation to forge a path forward to reduce plastic pollution in B.C.
Government of B.C. seeks public feedback to reduce plastic waste
CleanBC is the B.C. government’s pathway to a more prosperous, balanced, and sustainable future, which includes actions to reduce carbon pollution, use clean energy to power B.C.’s economy, and create opportunities across the province.
On July 25, the provincial government, through CleanBC, launched a public consultation to forge a path forward to reduce plastic pollution in B.C.Specifically, it seeks feedback on new policy opportunities and proposed amendments to the Recycling Regulation of the Environmental Management Act by Sept. 18, 2019 to address plastic waste.
Among the proposed actions the government is considering are bans on single-use packaging, requiring producers to shoulder more responsibility for plastic products, expanding the recycling refund program, and reducing plastic waste across all product categories and industries.
Some proposed amendments to the recycling regulation:
- Add `packaging-like products’ and `single-use items’ as obligated products to the Recycling Regulation to be recovered and recycled by producers.
- Add all single-use beverage containers to the deposit-refund system.
- Amend the refundable deposit amount to 10 cents for all beverage containers.
- Allow electronic refund options for beverage containers in addition to cash.

Currently, B.C. has 22 recycling programs — more than any other North American jurisdiction — that cover 14 categories of consumer products. Those include packaging, electronics, residual solvents, beverage containers, tires and hazardous wastes.
Those programs collect about 315,000 tonnes of plastics annually.
How to Submit
- Complete the public survey
- Send a formal submission to [email protected] (see guidelines)
- Email comments to [email protected]
- Mail comments:
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Recycling Regulation Amendments
PO Box 9341 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9M1