Story 13. Product-as-a-Service (PaaS) Model for Reusable Transport Packaging Systems in Europe
The use of reusable transport packaging as a circular service is essential for reaching a climate-neutral economy. Reusable transport packaging in a Product-as-a-Service (PaaS) model has been identified as a very efficient and sustainable solution to a circular economy.
Reusable Packaging Europe (RPE) represents the interests of companies active in the area of Reusable Transport Packaging (RTP), primarily reusable packaging containers and reusable wooden pallets across Europe. RPE is fully committed to contribute to the EU’s transition towards a circular economy and aims to lead by example. Its mission is to promote reusable packaging as a circular service as the most efficient and sustainable solution for transport packaging by combining innovative pooling models and reusable transport packaging.
The organisation promotes pooling and Product-as-a-Service (PaaS) models that enable the use of RTPs. In a Product-as-a-Service (PaaS) model, producers either keep the ownership of the packaging or have the responsibility for its performance throughout its lifecycle. RTP is rented by a pooling company, with all costs covered in the rental contract. For most reusable containers a fee and deposit is paid to the pooling company. RTP is delivered to warehouses which controls inventory and organises distribution to individual shops. Following use and delivery to a retailer, RTP is then returned to the pooling company where it Is conditioned (e.g. repaired, cleaned) for reuse.
The use of a pooling system with RTPs is much more efficient than single-use transport packaging and lowers the final costs for its users. Overall, RTP results in a 40 to 60% CO2 reduction in comparison with single-use packaging and a significant waste reduction.

The European Union (EU) project on Reducing Plastic Waste in Canada